Submission: Students should value increased representation before UC Regents

On Thursday, the Daily Bruin’s editorial board published a piece claiming that the regents’ consideration of a proposal to add an additional student voice on the board will do no good. The editorial suggested that any expanded opportunities for student representation on the board, without actual voting power, is unlikely to make any difference – […]

Letter to the Editor: Additional student adviser furthers conversation for future of the UC

Dear Editor: Your recent editorial on the proposal by UC’s current student regent to add a student adviser to the UC Board of Regents lacked some crucial information. Adding another voting member to the board would require amending the California Constitution, a lengthy and uncertain process. Instead, the student regent proposes a more expeditious idea, […]

Submission: Shame on the Daily Bruin – student voices are crucial to UC governance

At UCLA, one of the top-ranking public research institutions, and at the University of California, one of the most advanced public higher education systems in the world, students have always been at the forefront of creating change. It was once said, “I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I […]

Lukianchikov: UC should hold licensees responsible to higher ethical standards

The University of California has a listening problem. Last summer, the opportunity to commit UC apparel licensees to more stringent labor codes arose. Instead of doing so, policymakers made a commitment of passive leniency. And what’s worse, individual UCs seem barred from disagreement. The rise and fall of these ethical standards began with a historic […]

Editorial: State must be contractually obligated to contribute to UC pension fund

Gov. Jerry Brown and University of California President Janet Napolitano agreed in the May budget revision last year that the UC would restructure its retirement plan to be more sustainable and the state would allocate $436 million over the next three years to the UC’s pension fund. In the state budget released last Thursday, Brown […]

Anastasia Lukianchikov: UCLA Athletics must examine brand accountability in apparel deals

UCLA Athletics has a huge decision to make. And it has nothing to do with athletes. In 2017, the licensing contract between Adidas and UCLA Athletics is set to be renewed or terminated. Inevitably, speculations will begin to circulate as to whether UCLA will continue its relationship with Adidas or switch to another competing brand. […]