Submission: UCLA fails to support necessary mental health needs

The Office for Students with Disabilities is supposed to help students suffering from physical and mental ailments beyond their control. A disabled student is supposed to register with the office as soon as they start school at UCLA to receive accommodations necessary for them to cope with the quick-paced quarter system. But what happens if […]

Editorial: Engineering school must improve representation of women, minorities

Engineering students at UCLA are a largely homogeneous group. Women make up less than a quarter of the total number of engineering students, while students from minority groups make up less than 10 percent. These statistics go beyond UCLA and are representative of most engineering schools in the United States. To address this problem, Jayathi […]

Submission: Hillel should abandon Standards of Partnership to become more inclusive

Hillel is an international organization that prides itself on its mission to “enrich the lives of Jewish students,” and is considered by universities to be a religious organization. However, the reality is that Hillel International’s Standards of Partnership with Israel, which local Hillels around the world must adhere to in order to receive support from […]

Keshav Tadimeti: Change necessary to shorten waiting lines, increase value of E&T Fair

I raced into Ackerman Union, hoping my sprint down Bruin Walk hadn’t soaked my dress shirt in sweat. I skidded to a stop outside Ackerman Grand Ballroom and, with a stack of resumes in hand, mustered up whatever courage I could get on an empty stomach and walked in. One hour was all I had […]