Abhishek Shetty: EVP Zach Helder needs to align efforts with UC Student Association

Zach Helder thinks he can single-handedly revolutionize America’s college system in the vein of Bernie Sanders. Unfortunately, he lacks that kind of ability. Helder’s job, as Undergraduate Students Association Council external vice president, is to advocate for measures that benefit the UCLA undergraduate body and meet with legislators to discuss such measures. The EVP office […]

Anastasia Lukianchikov: Implicit bias training necessary to support diversity requirement

This column is the second in a series on the diversity requirement at UCLA. This week, columnist Anastasia Lukianchikov argues that implicit bias training for faculty members can further support the goals of the diversity requirement. The first part can be read here. We are all racist. And sexist. And ableist. And elitist. Every person […]

Editorial: LED streetlights will lighten safety concerns in North Village

After years of allowing Westwood residents’ safety to be compromised, it seems the city of Los Angeles has finally seen the light. At the Feb. 10 meeting of the Westwood Neighborhood Council, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services said it has agreed to fund a program that will bring new LED streetlights to […]

Submission: Students must participate in community efforts to improve education

Since its debut, Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk, “The danger of a single story” has become an integral part of my classroom with its message of not taking a single story as the ultimate truth. It allows us to discuss identity, who we are, who gets to tell our stories and how people […]

Miriam Bribiesca: Traffic safety strategy Vision Zero necessary to drive LA forward

When is a car accident actually an accident? The answer to this is: usually never. Nowadays, a “car accident” is a conventional term used loosely that fails to emphasize the severity of an ever-growing problem in the city of Los Angeles. The simple act of using the word “accident” automatically implies that there’s nobody to […]

Submission: UCLA UniCamp offers students opportunities to grow, make an impact

From my experience, almost every UCLA student wants to “make a difference.” The more than 1,000 student groups at UCLA exemplify the wide range of passions that creates the energy and excitement that pulses through campus. That being said, UCLA UniCamp is the best opportunity for students to grow and develop as leaders, while also […]