No Offense, But: Homelessness

In a special edition of “No Offense, But”, Opinion columnist and prime contributor Chris Campbell interviews Westwood Village Improvement Association Executive Director Andrew Thomas and Bruin Shelter co-founder Louis Tse about the role of nonprofits in homeless advocacy. You can read Campbell’s full op-ed about homelessness here.

Submission: Imbalanced reporting on USAC EVP compromises journalistic integrity

The Daily Bruin has too frequently tested both the boundary of fact and my patience. For the past few weeks, reporters for the Daily Bruin, who are apparently also allowed to write as opinion columnists, have launched a smear campaign against the character and actions of not only the Undergraduate Students Association Council external vice […]

Editorial Cartoon: Sanders takes it to the bank

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has proved himself to be a more dangerous opponent to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign after a virtual tie in Iowa and a win in New Hampshire. Sanders has garnered support from young voters especially because of his anti-establishment slant and socialist policies.

Editorial Cartoon: Jeb Bush, the ventriloquist

Toward the end of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign Saturday, his brother and former president George W. Bush began advocating for him on his behalf. Despite having a former president vouch for him, Jeb Bush only received more criticism as American voters perceived his campaign as an extension of his family’s political dynasty.

Editorial Cartoon: Trump supporters are everywhere

Television personality and real estate mogul Donald Trump’s offensive opinions and tendency to exaggerate originally made his presidential candidacy seem untenable, but his rising popularity among working-class, white Americans has made his candidacy more viable. While a polarizing candidate, Trump is more moderate than some of his fellow Republican candidates.

Editorial Cartoon: Clinton’s dirty emails

At the start of her campaign, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s bid for the Democratic nomination seemed certain. However, her more moderate views have been criticized as overly representative of corporate interests and her private email correspondence, still undisclosed to the public, has only helped her opponent Bernie Sanders gather support.

Editorial: Bloc voting solution brings greater threat of lower voter turnout

Reforms to the undergraduate student government elections seem to be headed in the wrong direction more than two months before they’re set to begin. Some members of the Undergraduate Students Association Council and its Election Board discussed bloc voting, among other things, at their meeting Wednesday and tried to come up with ways to combat […]