Shani Shahmoon: UC Student Association must put mind to finding new data

According to the UC Student Association, the University of California does not provide proper mental health services to its students. Tell me something I don’t know. UCSA’s #HowAreYou campaign just released the results of mental health evaluations given to students and professional staff members at every UC’s mental health facility. The intention behind the survey […]

Submission: CAPS must improve accessibility to better serve UCLA community

In 2015, the University of California Student Association adopted the hashtag #HowAreYou, a call to increase “access to counseling, staff diversity to reflect the identities and experiences of the student body and outreach regarding the availability of services” as its undergraduate campaign. UCSA representatives have been conducting evaluations of each counseling and psychological services department […]

Submission: Student response to death of Justice Antonin Scalia hurts Bruin values

Editor’s note: We verified claims in this submission that some students celebrated Justice Antonin Scalia’s death on social media prior to publication, but decided to not cite specific examples to protect students’ privacy. Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the nation’s fiercest defenders of freedom, liberty and the Constitution, died Feb. 13. The left wasted no […]

Editorial: Mandatory reporting of sexual assault from employees harms survivors

In an email sent out to students Monday, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block announced an update to the systemwide policy that governs the UC’s response to incidents and allegations of sexual violence and sexual harassment. The email highlighted a small but critical shift in the responsibility of campus employees within the University’s investigatory process that prioritizes […]

Arthur Wang: Peter Liang protests show Asian-Americans must unite against injustice

For once, a “killer cop” has been brought to justice in America – and how Chinese-Americans have reacted speaks volumes about the multiplicity of racial divides in this country. In 2014, rookie New York police officer Peter Liang killed Akai Gurley, a black man, when conducting a patrol in a pitch-black stairway; an accidentally-discharged bullet […]