Letter to the Editor: Benefits of tobacco control bills should not be overlooked

Dear Editorial Board, I disagree with your March 15 editorial “Proposed law to raise smoking age ineffective, unnecessary.” First, raising the minimum sales age for tobacco products to 21 is an evidence-based strategy for reducing the prevalence of tobacco consumption. Ninety-five percent of adult smokers start before age 21, when the brain is most susceptible […]

Editorial: Proposed law to raise smoking age ineffective, unnecessary

At the age of 18, you are treated as an adult by the state of California. You can vote, drive, buy a lottery ticket and be held accountable for your actions in a court of law. But soon, you won’t be able to buy a pack of cigarettes. The California State Legislature passed a package […]

Blake Deal: LADWP has more immediate issues to fix before SB 350’s climate concerns

Good intentions are great until they lead to unfavorable outcomes. Unfortunately, California’s state legislature’s good intentions may push Los Angeles residents into a tough spot. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power proposed to increase its utility rates for Los Angeles residents, including those in Westwood, to compensate for costs associated with implementing the […]

Letter to the Editor: Big Blue Bus’ plan for new Expo Line increases efficiency

Dear Daily Bruin Editorial Board: We at Big Blue Bus were delighted to see you take on the cause of raising awareness of what might impede students from using the new Expo Light Rail, and we applaud your restating the planned Big Blue Bus options to the station, which are Big Blue Bus Routes 8 […]

Submission: Student event will center on solidarity, intersectionality to raise awareness

In an effort to promote education and a sense of community among all Bruins, the Asian American Studies M119: “Asian American and Pacific Islander Labor Issues” course will hold an event centered on solidarity in the face of injustice. The event, set for March 11, 2016, will showcase the many voices of UCLA impacted by […]

Editorial: UCLA should add online classes to accommodate higher enrollment

UCLA is planning to add 750 more students for the upcoming school year, and how it accommodates them is going to become increasingly important. Vice Chancellor Steve Olsen said to mitigate the addition of incoming students, one of the upcoming priorities of the university is “to improve the quality and the number of seats in […]

Julia McCarthy: Students should be made aware of campus legal services

Imagine finding out, on top of dealing with the stresses of classes, midterms and work, you were also facing eviction. Kelsey Tokunaga, a fourth-year sociology student, doesn’t need to imagine it – it actually happened to her. Earlier this quarter, unbeknownst to Tokunaga and her four roommates, she found out that the apartment she and […]