Shani Shahmoon: Alternative dialogue key to bettering Israel-Palestine relations

Zionism is a whispered word, surrounded by hushes and shushes, and hisses and boos, all within an institution that prides itself for its diversity. There are a variety of definitions for Zionism, but an umbrella definition is that Zionism is the ideology and belief in the right of Jewish self-determination. There are non-Jewish Zionists and […]

Submission: Prioritize breaking bad habits with the help of campus resources

“I’ll sleep more next week.” “I’ll focus on dating after I graduate.” “I’ll exercise more next quarter.” As students, we say or hear these things all the time. We might put our values and quality of life on hold, sacrificing our wellness today with the idea that if we work hard enough then we will […]

Aram Ghoogasian: UC must do more to protect students from discrimination

The University of California Board of Regents’ attempt to condemn bigotry was as ill-conceived as it was mismanaged. Myriad media outlets published columns criticizing the Final Report of the Regents Working Group on Principles Against Intolerance, which claimed anti-Zionism is a form of discrimination that has “no place at the University of California,” resulting in […]

Editorial: College basketball’s one-and-done rule does not benefit players

As the NCAA men’s basketball championship approaches, so too does the season of players declaring for the NBA draft. Those declaring come from a variety of backgrounds. They can be four-year veterans of college basketball, third-year players looking to capitalize on a standout season, sophomores who paid their dues or freshmen, the so-called one-and-done players. […]