Keshav Tadimeti: UC should create a contingency fund to limit tuition hikes

Well folks, the University of California and California state government are at it again and this time, the state’s the instigator. A recent state audit criticized the UC on its budget again and maintained that it needs to better control its costs. In return, the UC accused the state of making unfair and erroneous conclusions. […]

Editorial: UC must not compromise admission standards for nonresidents

Californian residents were outraged last week after the state auditor released a report noting that the University of California has recently relaxed standards for nonresident applicants. While increasing nonresident enrollment is understandable given the UC’s budget deficit, the UC must continually ensure that equally qualified residents aren’t unfairly denied entrance to any UC campus. The […]

Maggie Zheng: UC Davis students’ demands to fire Chancellor Katehi should be supported

For the past three weeks, students at UC Davis have been camped outside the chancellor’s office calling for the resignation or firing of their current chancellor, Linda Katehi. The occupations began on March 11th and have persisted daily throughout finals week and spring break. Protesters have continued their efforts with marches across campus, expanding their […]

Aram Ghoogasian: Dance Marathon should educate dancers on political aspects of AIDS

Dancing with your friends for 26 hours while wearing a ridiculous getup won’t tell you much about pediatric AIDS. Once a year, UCLA students attending Dance Marathon spend an inordinate amount of time dancing in Pauley Pavilion. The reason they participate in this annual ritual is to end pediatric AIDS worldwide. Last year, the event […]