Jonathan Friedland: Reducing food waste at dining halls key to greater sustainability

UCLA has some of the best college food in the country, but 50 tons of it is thrown out every month. In other words, UCLA wastes about two-thirds the weight of the retired Space Shuttle in food monthly. By the end of each academic year, UCLA has enough food left over to manufacture five space […]

Submission: Attacks on GSA president amount to persecution and are not based in fact

A witch hunt is underway at UCLA. Milan Chatterjee, president of the Graduate Students Association, is its victim. Chatterjee asserted GSA neutrality on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movement – a policy adopted by a unanimous vote of the GSA Cabinet – and would not endorse the BDS movement against Israel. Now Chatterjee […]

Chris Campbell: LA must rezone in order to add housing, accommodate homeless people

Los Angeles’ moniker as the homeless capital of America has hung over its head for decades. But now, there may be a narrow path the city can take to remedy that. Back in February, I wrote a magazine op-ed explaining the importance of government in solving the city’s homelessness crisis and the need for the […]

Abishek Shetty: Panama Papers shed light on problems of tax evasion within the US

Mention tax evasion and immediately a number of small countries spring to mind – Panama, Switzerland, Bermuda and other island countries. You’d be forgiven for not including locations closer to home, such as Delaware and Wyoming, in that list. In the largest leak of all time, the Panama Papers consist of 11.5 million documents on […]

Submission: Hormel Foods should end unsafe pig slaughtering practices

Jeffrey Ettinger, the current CEO and chairman of the board of Hormel Foods was on campus last week to speak to law students for a Distinguished Alumni Lecture. As a UCLA School of Law alumna myself, I felt compelled to write about Hormel’s practices, specifically those related to a pig slaughter program that reduces inspections […]

Editorial: Removing cross from seal shows Los Angeles County as nondiscriminatory

Last week, a federal judge ended a years-long tug of war when it ruled that Los Angeles County must remove a religious cross from its county seal. Though religion has been an important part of Los Angeles’ history, the decision allows the Los Angeles County to present itself as an unbiased government that values no […]