Submission: Petition for USAC election revote necessary to restore trust in system

​Last Monday, seven other students and I submitted a Petition for Consideration to the USAC Judicial Board. The petition asks the board to disqualify the Social Justice Referendum and set a date for a recall election for all contested candidates in the other week’s undergraduate elections. The goal we seek to achieve is much more […]

Submission: Greek community must work together to combat negative perceptions

Greek Community: The recent Daily Bruin article, “Records reveal Pi Kappa Phi members made racists statements in 2013,” suggests that racists and misogynistic comments are commonplace within the Greek community. While the university needs time to gather all the facts and review these serious and disturbing allegations, I also feel the need to provide this […]

Improving mental health services for medical students is imperative

The University of California medical system is falling short when it comes to mental health resources for medical students; it’s not taking care of its own caretakers. To deal with the overwhelming amount of stress their jobs require, medical students often first turn to family for comfort. However, family can only help so much, leaving […]

Caring for the caregivers

For many medical school applicants, being a doctor means caring for the people who need help and fulfilling dreams of serving the community. But about 400 physicians die every year by suicide, and almost 50 percent of medical students reported feeling emotionally exhausted and less empathetic toward their patients. News reporter Shreya Aiyar, opinion columnist […]

Editorial: USAC election code should be reformed to ensure fairness in future

Multiple instances of egregious rule-breaking done during the last week’s Undergraduate Students Association Council election have shown there is a serious need for another reform to the election code. The Daily Bruin Editorial Board urges the USAC Election Board to seriously consider the following ideas, as they will clarify the code, close off exploitable loopholes […]

Submission: Bruin Republicans not responsible for individual members’ views

This past Friday, three members of Bruin Republicans attended an event at UC Santa Barbara and were photographed holding signs that some have regarded to be offensive and transphobic. During the last several days, members of the Bruin community as well as advocates from a wide variety of backgrounds have taken to social media to […]