UCLA has sustained interest in reducing waste over the years, but it might have lost its interest in innovation. While the 45 tons of food waste and biodegradable packaging its dining halls produce every month are all composted, UCLA has had trouble thinking outside the box. UC Irvine, on the other hand, has turned its […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Submission: Jews not to blame for Palestinian displacement
It is said that most lies are “lies of omission.” This is when someone simply fails to mention critical facts about a particular situation, purposely misleading the reader to the wrong conclusion. The opinion submission “Palestinian ethnic cleansing from Israel is ongoing, must be stopped” that appeared in the Daily Bruin on May 16 certainly […]
Aaron Julian: Free speech necessary to shape, change the world
A law prohibiting people to speak hateful and hurtful things being implemented sounds like a dream come true. This idea has been discussed around college campuses, in articles here and even in speeches from President Barack Obama. And yes, it’s a noble idea, but it’s unachievable. Setting limits to free speech in everyday life presents […]
Editorial Cartoon: Midterms
Arthur Wang: UCSD fundraising campaign demonstrates favorability for UC privatization
UC San Diego, the University of California campus built for the Cold War, has been getting the cold shoulder from its alumni lately. It’s proven to be more than a minor snag for the university, which is preparing to embark on a $2 billion capital campaign next year – the donor-driven mechanism in which large […]
Blake Deal: No clear systemic bias against minorities in criminal justice system
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders continues to decry the victimization of blacks and Hispanics at the hands of the police on his website, saying: “It is an outrage that in these early years of the 21st century we are seeing intolerable acts of violence being perpetrated by police and racist acts of terrorism by white […]
Shani Shahmoon: Students should debate opposing opinions, not immediately reject them
Earlier this month, President Barack Obama spoke at Rutgers University’s commencement ceremony and shared his two cents about the problem of political correctness on college campuses. He said it better than anyone else: “To help ourselves we’ve got to help others – not pull up the drawbridge and try to keep the world out.” Political […]