We cannot compromise upholding of civil rights By Ali Beck and Jùlio C. Rosa In "Gay activists must seek ROTC compromise" (Oct. 12), J.D. Whitlock appeals to the fears and prejudices of people who are misinformed about the issues surrounding gays in ROTC. He paints a picture of gay military personnel as being unfit to […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Military segregation means second-class citizenship
Military segregation means second-class citizenship By Lino Zambrano J.D. Whitlock’s well-intentioned arguments ("Gay activists must seek ROTC compromise," Oct. 12) to revive Jim Crow segregation in the U.S. Armed Forces with gays and lesbians segregated instead of blacks is based on specious reasoning with a potential for substantial mischief. He believes that there exists an […]
Front-page image provokes emotional student response
Front-page image provokes emotional student response Donald Carpenter-Rios Perhaps you can imagine my surprise on Monday. Having casually followed the same thoroughly routinized route to campus through a slight and lifting fog, stopping at the same old leaf  and newspaper-strewn kiosk for my morning dose of the Daily Bruin, I saw the paper and […]
‘B’ in ‘LGB’ stands for bisexuality, proudly
‘B’ in ‘LGB’ stands for bisexuality, proudly By Melissa Vogel I don’t know about you, but I’ve found all the coming out stories being shared this week to be incredibly inspiring. Rather than go through all the details of my life history, though, I’d rather share some of the thoughts I have of my first […]
Don’t be cynical about relationships and marriage
Don’t be cynical about relationships and marriage By Earl Williams In a recent Viewpoint column ("’Arc of a love affair’ encompasses ideal relationship," Oct. 10), Adena Chung outlined some of her thoughts about relationships and marriage. Since she candidly stated her personal slant up front  "It’s hard to write about this without sounding totally […]
Clarifying Coming Out Week Editor: I am writing to clarify the comments attributed to me in your Monday cover story on National Coming Out Week, ("Coming out festivities hope to dispel stigmas, Oct. 10). By saying that the event was "a little too political" for me, I referred to the fact that I am not […]
From Laughlin to L.A. to the Castro: one student’s story on coming out
From Laughlin to L.A. to the Castro: one student’s story on coming out Ryan Leaderman After finally coming out to most of my friends last spring, which was not nearly as difficult a process as I had originally feared, I knew that I could not keep my parents in the dark much longer. Not only […]