
Hey, pop quiz! Editor: In the spirit of upcoming finals and in response to James Fitzgerald’s article ("Reverse Prop. 187 via working-class movement," Nov. 22) and numerous others preceding it: Essay Question (use blue books to respond): 1. Why is it that the most outspoken poli sci undergrads on this campus all sound like the […]


The Bruin takes the last straw Editor: The Daily Bruin finally broke the camel’s back. Your Nov. 21 unsigned editorial, "Times of emergency demand solidarity," was that final straw. In Viewpoint day after day before the Nov. 8 elections, we calmly stood by and read your irrational, unsubstantiated articles blasting Gov. Pete Wilson and Proposition […]

Proposition 186: Universal health care battle wages on

Proposition 186: Universal health care battle wages on By Charlie Chang The battle for universal health care has moved from the national level to our state in the form of Proposition 186, an initiative modeled on Canada’s single-payer system. While no one is against providing medical treatment for the sick, Proposition 186 is not the […]