NCAA T-shirts at … Footlocker?! Editor: I couldn’t help but notice your ad for the national championship T-shirts for $14.95 that are available "only at the Daily Bruin, 225 Kerckhoff." I thought I would have to drive into Westwood from Thousand Oaks to buy one, but to my amazement they were on sale at World […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Animosity based on difference must end
Animosity based on difference must end By Robert Huweiler As I prepare to graduate from UCLA this spring of 1995, I am distressed at what I see as an ever-present animosity toward a significant group of our student population. This population merits significance if only in its humanity and emotions  they laugh, they cry, […]
We must all share the pain of ASUCLA’s crisis
We must all share the pain of ASUCLA’s crisis By Elaine Chu You may have noticed the students’ association’s increased prices in the student store and in food service. While the students’ association has made a strong effort to keep prices the same over the years, as the $1.8 million projected loss for 1994-95 demonstrates, […]
A law enforcement lesson
A law enforcement lesson By Jeff Hornaday I am writing in response to those deviants who have blamed the phenomenon of student anarchy on external forces, even criticizing the role of our guardians of domestic order. Two weeks ago, amidst the explosive chaos of unruly youths, I was made fully aware of this town’s desperate […]
Life 101: learning lessons outside the classroom
Life 101: learning lessons outside the classroom John Kaizen It was 9-something in the morning. I was experiencing that quiet moment between being and nothingness before lecture. My notebook was out. My pen was uncapped and I was spinning it like the drummer in a Motley Crue video. I was still half asleep. My brain […]
Viable solutions exist for ASUCLA crisis
Viable solutions exist for ASUCLA crisis By Tim Beasley The students’ association has received a lot of bad publicity in the past few months. Deservedly so in too many cases. The student-majority board of directors has to assume ultimate responsibility for what prompted this bad press. Let’s face it: We’ve screwed up. New board members […]
Cyber artworld offers limitless possibilities
Cyber artworld offers limitless possibilities Juan T. Alvarado Hold on to this copy of The Bruin! In the not-so-distant future it will be a relic, an antique, an article of interest and amusement but not of much practical value. I’m not saying that The Bruin will no longer exist  perish the thought of your […]