Letters to the editor Delete his disk! Editor:I don’t think it’s really necessary for me to attack the narrow-minded opinions in Princeton Kim’s article ("Putting the `man’ back in manpower," Jan. 10). His ignorance speaks for itself. However, I would love to see the Daily Bruin amend its policy whereby it prohibits "the publication of […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Letters to the Editor Smart funding Editor: How would you like registration and books paid for? That’s the idea behind the new Scholarship Resource Center. If run well, it has the potential to reduce financial strain on students. This explains why all 13 student government officers support the program. Unfortunately, there seems to be some […]
Wake up or pack up for presidential elections Comedic political parade calls for action from votersBy Michael Reardon Daily Bruin Columnist So, do you have your bags packed yet? After all, it’s a new year, and we’re just inches away from the new millennium, and you know what that means, don’t you? Well, for those […]
Letters Out of Bosnia Editor: In Monday’s Dec. 4 editorial, "Despite risks, U.S. intervention necessary," you state that the reason for U.S. intervention into Bosnia is for humanitarian reasons. But while the reasons may be humanitarian, its effects won’t be. There will be pillage, death, and screams of anger of why American men and women […]
Letters to the editor Student priority Editor: We want students in the humanities to understand the reasoning behind the administrative reorganization of the Humanities Division – the subject of a recent Bruin article ("Department clustering creates strange bedfellow," Nov. 14) and Viewpoint piece ("Humanities merger sells all involved short," Nov. 16). First, a little background. […]
Letters Bicycling bureaucrats Editor:Yes, Brian Stannard ("Cop collision," Nov. 20) is right. It’s very ironic. Not only will you fellow bikers need to have serious concerns about pedestrians and bike thieves, as well as dodging police punishment when locking your bikes on campus, you must also worry about UCLA’s bureaucracy. That’s right! My $300 Trek, […]
Letters to the EditorTo lead or not to led Editor:Just a friendly reminder to emphasize to your staff the importance of proof reading. While spell check is a nifty feature on all of our computers, it often misses homonyms, those pesky words that sound like other words, but are spelled differently. Last Wednesday, Nov. 8, […]