
Friday, April 5, 1996R-e-s-p-e-c-t Editor: I am writing to express outrage and disgust ­ but not surprise ­ at the vicious beatings of undocumented workers by Riverside County sheriff’s deputies. The images in newspapers and on TV screens of peacekeepers brutalizing Mexicans are not unfamiliar to Mexican immigrants or to Mexican Americans ­ or to […]

Brutality shatters ignorance

Thursday, April 4, 1996 Recent police violence gives white, middle-class ameriKa eyewitness to opressionBy david aguilar Let’s get into it! Kurtis Franklin and Tracy Watson of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department obviously felt threatened and sensed extreme danger for all ameriKans that hedges were to be trimmed, pools to be built, lawns to be mowed, […]


Thursday, April 4, 1996Not foolin’ Editor: Upon reading the April 1 letter from Chancellor Charles Young to the UCLA community, happiness rumbled in my stomach and tears filled my eyes. I saw a new community opening before me. The chancellor proposed to change the university from a locus of elitism and domination to one of […]