Popular ‘get tough’ approach to crime misguided

Tuesday, May 7, 1996 Rush to convict overlooks basic Constitutional rightsBy Brian J. Hicks In "Lenient criminal justice system in need of reform" (May 6), A. Aanand Patel displays an incredible lack of understanding and respect for the constitutional due process rights of criminal defendants, as well as a failure to comprehend the realities of […]

Next year’s student government how they should lead the way (and whom to invite)

Tuesday, May 8, 1996 By Darrin Hurwitz The scene in Westwood Plaza early last Friday morning was almost surreal. In the middle of the night, about 300 students, divided by slate, ideology and background, stood apart, chanting, dancing, singing and crying. As the election results were read, as it became clear that one slate would […]

Clarifying UCLA’s role in L.A. education program

Monday, May 6, 1996 Article fails to clearly state part campus will play in reform projectBy Tobi Inlender We at the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies feel compelled to clarify and correct information in the Daily Bruin’s lead story Thursday, May 1, about the Los Angeles Education Alliance for Restructuring Now (LEARN) program […]