Bill or Bob in ’96?

Sunday, May 19, 1996 Survey of issues shows it’ll be a toss of the old coin The Republican primaries are over and now it’s Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole, one-on-one for the whole enchilada ­ the presidency of the United States of America. Unfortunately, the choice is looking more and more like a pick between […]


Monday, May 20, 1996 Ousting Clinton Editor: How far to the right will Clinton go before the left finally decides enough is enough? He supports the barbaric practice of capital punishment, he out-and-out lied about ending the ban on gays in the military, and, in his role as loyal lap dog to Florida’s right-wing Cuban […]


Thursday, May 16, 1996 Whose opinion? Editor: Dean Robin Fisher says in his letter ("Deep questions," May 3) that the university is a democracy because it asks for students’ opinions. I ask my fellow students, has the university ever asked your opinion on university policy? Did it ask you if you wanted your fee money […]

Genocide without bullets

Wednesday, May 15, 1996 Demise of affirmative action appraochesBy Saul Sarabia This Sunday, UCLA’s School of Law will "celebrate" its last graduation before affirmative action is eliminated at the school. I had planned to join my peers in the graduating class, primarily as a way of sharing the accomplishment with my parents, who never completed […]