Thursday, May 23, 1996 Get past prejudice, accept beauty of disabled peopleBy Tracy Thomas Life was meant to be splendid or at least graced with sporadic episodes of bliss. Unfortunately, I have not yet fulfilled these desires of God. My frame of "self" is not as nature would have it be. When one thinks of […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Thursday, May 23, 1996Shifted burden Editor: Shauna Robinson writes in her column, "I know more than a few gay/les/bi men and women who have more solid relationships than my own, but I still can’t help but wonder if it’s truly right" ("Trying to fit the pieces together," May 21). Why does Shauna Robinson think that […]
Apply for your early passport to inebriation
Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Fake IDs will get you past the bouncer before you reach legal drinking age I was having a great deal of trouble getting started with this column. I knew I’d better come up with something, however, because as usual, I put it off, and this one was going to be another […]
Anti-Defamation League sets its record straight
Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Civil rights work extends to court rooms and capitolsBy David A. Lehrer On April 10, the Daily Bruin printed an anonymous attack on the Anti-Defamation League that consisted of unsubstantiated accusations and gross distortions ("Anti-Defamation League infringes on civil liberties"). The unnamed attacker described the Anti-Defamation League as a "rugged super-spy […]
Don’t stand quietly by while ignorance goes on
Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Speaking up may be difficult, but crucial to stop prejudiceBy David Bain I recently called off my engagement to be married. To help work out some of the tension and stress that I have been feeling, I decided to return to swimming. Swimming has always been a solace for me. I […]
Learn about violence
Wednesday, May 22, 1996 ‘Take Back the Night’ will help teach both sexesThe following was submitted by the Women of Color Coalition. Violence is perpetuated by this society against women. Violence committed against women is facilitated by this society as it enforces and reinforces unequal relationships between men and women. The society rules with the […]
Q & A with the Daily Bruin
Thursday, April 25, 1996 California senator weighs in on higher educationBy Michael Howerton Daily Bruin Staff As Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Higher Education, Tom Hayden has taken a leading role in investigating the issue of admissions favoritism in the University of California for the well-connected. In the past week, the California senator […]