Tuesday, May 28, 1996Language busters Editor: As a white Anglo-Saxon of the male persuasion, I have become accustomed, over the years, to reading The Bruin and finding the motives of my ancestors, culture and gender maligned. What I was not prepared for, however, was to see these attacks spread to the very language I speak. […]
Category Archives: Opinion
The dividing line
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Misdirected focus on race and greeks only served to divide womenBy Robin Caine I refused to walk in last Thursday’s "Take Back the Night" event sponsored by the Women of Color Coalition and the Panhellenic Council for many reasons. I had high expectations as I walked towards the "Take Back the […]
The dividing line
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Don’t ask women of color to ignore issues of race in name of solidarityBy Anna Wang Why is it that people can be so short-sighted as to limit individuals’ identities to a single component? According to some attendees of Thursday’s "Take Back the Night" rally, the purpose of the rally should […]
This is your best chance to learn valuable work skills
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Procrastination will turn off employers who want efficiency, self-discipline Whether you are a graduate student writing a thesis on “the universal forces that drive markets and shape demographic shifts,” or a faculty member planning to publish a health report on a recent medical discovery for the cure of AIDS, procrastination has […]
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Honor veterans Editor: Thank you so much for your extensive coverage for the Memorial Day holiday. As a ‘Nam vet, I am aghast  all week you failed to print one article relating to the sacrifice that generations of U.S. citizens have made for our country. At this moment, thousands of […]
Clinton’s renewal of China’s status is savvy
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Exposure to free market ideas will influence change Finally I have a chance to write about China’s status as Most Favored Nation!!! Without a doubt, the most captivating issue in society today. If only I had more space in the Daily Bruin in which I could enlighten you, my fellow Bruins, […]
Comming to grips with loved one’s death
Thursday, May 23, 1996 Survivors must try to hold on to memories even as they fade away Death is a definite end. At least to those of us still living. Discounting all concepts of an afterlife, death does mean the absence of life. Although everybody dies eventually, it’s hard for us to describe death and […]