A little advice, a changed attitude, and some tears

Monday, June 3, 1996 Senior graduates with a new attitude toward future alma mater Politics, politics, politics. It’s the second to last week of another awesome year here at UCLA. So for this week, I’ll spare you from my caustic commentary and stinging criticism of liberals. No hard-line conservative causes this week. No political arguments […]

Students shortchanged with association’s restructuring

Thursday, May 30, 1996 Bargaining power, focus on collective interests will be lostBy David E. Lee As a past president of the Graduate Students Association, as well as a former member of the ASUCLA Board of Directors, I’ve been disgusted and saddened by the actions taken to disallow elected student officers from serving on the […]

A call to join the struggle

Friday, May 31, 1996 Instances of pain and injustice have inspired action It was a surprise. For the Los Angeles Police Department, anyway. A nondescript truck simply stopped in the middle of the intersection. Two graffiti artists jumped off the truck and sprayed a demand for justice over life-size pictures of the three pro-union housekeepers […]

Q&A with the Daily Bruin

Wednesday, May 29, 1996 Soon-to-be UCLA Prof. Mark Kleiman suggests a more ‘rational’ approachBy Phillip Carter Daily Bruin Senior Staff Crime and drugs pervade nearly every area of the American consciousness, coming to dominate political campaigns, classroom discussions and the ordinary routines of average Californians. In recent years, a cadre of academic experts on crime […]

The dividing line

Tuesday, May 28, 1996 Misdirected focus on race and greeks only served to divide womenBy Robin Caine I refused to walk in last Thursday’s "Take Back the Night" event sponsored by the Women of Color Coalition and the Panhellenic Council for many reasons. I had high expectations as I walked towards the "Take Back the […]