Remembering the kindness of Professor Majl Ewing

Alumnus reflects on first impressions that belied scholar’s warm demeanorMany of us old English majors who attended UCLA in the mid-to-late 1940s remember Professor Majl Ewing with a mixture of impressions: fear (he could be a terror in the lecture room), negativity, indifference, or even warmth, as in my case. Professor Majl Ewing, sometimes chairman […]

A Bruin reflects on basketball, buildings, beats and brotherly love

Sunday, June 9, 1996 UCLA may be great, but there’s room for some improvement Well, once again I bid my fellow Bruins farewell. Summer awaits, and finals are pressing. As I ride off into the sunset with the title of Mr. Black UCLA and the knowledge that my school won a national championship in basketball, […]

Graduation ’96: Alumni Association fund raising, or just a day to snooze

Sunday, June 9, 1996 Beer King leaves college behind for career down under Well, the big day approaches: June 16, my long-awaited and sometimes uncertain graduation day. The day my parents have been looking forward to for 24 long years. The day they cast off their Brian shackles and send me into adulthood. Of course, […]