Sunday, August 25, 1996 Student relates tale of futile encounter at donut counter Allow me to tell you a tale of woe. It’s a miserable story, one that I think is reflective of a greater problem on campus. It all started in a small corner of Ackerman. I was leaning coolly (picture Humphrey Bogart in […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Who deserves education?
Sunday, August 25, 1996 A Democrat and a Republican debate illegal immigrationBy Geoff Martin Summer Bruin Senior Staff We recently invited Michael Schneider, president of the Bruin Democrats, and Jason Steele, chairman of the Bruin Republicans, to take part in a dialogue on immigration, in preparation for the 1996 national presidential election. This dialogue, on […]
Race should not be a factor for admittance
Sunday, August 25, 1996 Affirmative action should not ignore levels of wealth Here is a big shock  another column on affirmative action. This is unofficially the one-billionth article on affirmative action. All right, look, I’m sorry to continue to pour it on  I’m sure you all have heard every possible point of view […]
Voting for a healthy solution
Sunday, August 25, 1996 Proposition 216 protects public from profiteeringBy Carl Bloice In the summer of 1994, Columbia/HCA, the giant for-profit hospital chain, acquired the only hospital in the small barrier island community of Destin, Fla. and soon thereafter closed it down. When, on Oct. 4, Hurricane Opal struck with 115 mile-per-hour winds, waves as […]
Sunday, August 25, 1996Yes on Prop. 216 for better care Registered nurses at the UCLA Medical Center engaged in informational picketing at the facility on Aug. 15. Nurses intend to stand firm in their protest against: * Profit-driven cost containment which results in unsafe patient care. * Restructuring which reduces patient-to-RN staffing ratios and is […]
Q&A with the Daily Bruin
Monday, August 19, 1996 Nader campaign stresses civic responsibilityBy Geoff Martin Summer Bruin Senior Staff Running on $5,000 of your own money and not accepting campaign contributions may seem like political suicide, especially in a national presidential election. It is only when one begins to understand both this candidate’s achievements and his hopes for a […]
Dispelling myths. examining good of Christianity
Sunday, August 18, 1996 Graduate student ranks religion over her race, genderBy V.I. Williams I am a Christian. I take a great comfort in that. This is why Ms. Robinson’s article in last week’s Summer Bruin disturbed me a great deal. As an African American and a woman, I have enjoyed reading Ms. Robinson’s editorials […]