Jake Sexton is a skeptical nihilist recently experiencing bouts of optimism. But surely continued interaction with his fellow man will return him to his normal state of brooding, swearing and frightening small children. By Jake Sexton Daily Bruin Columnist I stopped watching and reading the news five or six years ago out of sheer disgust. […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Ten Commandments to smart drinking
Katherine Tom is a fifth-year English student. By Katherine Tom People act silly when they’re drunk. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this subject, having spent extensive periods of time being both silly and drunk (usually the former and constantly the latter). So it makes sense to have a set of rules, established […]
Sticking to a monotonous life and loving every minute
Lampe is a senior news-editorial and English student and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. By Heather Lampe When I saw the piles of wet hair below my feet, I seriously thought the hair dresser would have to help me to my car. You see, on Monday I was possessed by some sort of demon who told […]
Peace Corps strives to mirror ethnic diversity
Mpatanishi Tayari can be reached over e-mail at mtayari@umich.edu. By Mpatanishi Tayari "With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth and lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth, God’s work must truly be […]
Murder – tragedy could have been prevented I am beyond mad. I am sad. Kevin Jeske lost his life while on duty as a UCLA employee through UCPD (University of California Police Department) incompetence. Why was Kevin Jeske not escorted by the UCPD while transferring cash receipts from Wadsworth Theater to the Central Ticket Office? […]
Road to equality lacks city buses
For more information, please call Alex Caputo-Pearl (Department of Urban Planning) at 213-387-2800. By Alex Caputo-Pearl Social movements do not form quickly, or without planning and organization. Still, some portrayals of political history suggest that movements have formed as a result of only one act of defiance or a single speech. These historical accounts neglect […]
Americans still avoid a crucial element of moral debate
Auren Hoffman is a former ASUC student advocate and senior majoring in industrial engineering and operations research. By Auren Hoffman Abortion has consumed the American moral debate for the past few decades. There is no other issue as likely to spark a fuse in any American. But why is abortion one of the few moral […]