Danish? Dutch? Film? Accuracy? Thanks for the nice article in Friday’s Bruin about the Dutch Film Festival currently in progress at Melnitz. However, why on earth the photocaption on Page 56 about a DANISH movie when your article concerns DUTCH movies? That’s like confusing tennis with badminton. Since the picture shows folks eating herring precisely […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Clinton secures economic future for youth… What has Dole done?
Alexandra Martin is the Special Projects Director for the Bruin Democrats. By Alexandra Martin Bob Dole has unveiled his economic plan and chosen his running mate in a desperate attempt to revive his campaign. The centerpiece of Dole’s economic plan is a proposed 15 percent tax cut with no real provisions for deficit reduction. The […]
Revolution is… Revolution isn’t
J. Jioni Palmer is a fourth-year student majoring in African American Studies. His column appears every other Wednesday. I can’t remember when it was, but the first time I heard that booming voice and those insightful lyrics I was hooked. So, when the thunderous sound of KRS-One pumped through the television speaker, while the NBA’s […]
In search of the imaginary ‘median voter’
Schemers is a recent political science graduate from UCLA. By Christopher Schemers Two years ago, President Clinton appeared ready to join the long list of one-term Democratic presidents who have occupied the White House since it belonged to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Today, only Robert J. Dole believes that Mr. Clinton could lose his bid for […]
Institute tries to discourage female cadets from attending
Nowelle Wright writes for The Daily at the University of Washington. By Nowelle Wright Women will be allowed next year to attend the Virginia Military Institute, a state-funded school. They will be required to live under the same rules as the men attending the academy, which sounds fair at first, but warrants taking a closer […]
Perot deserves inclusion in debates
The Daily Bruin Editorial Board assumes that you will be sprinting to the polls Nov. 7. Before you do, however, most of you will educate yourself before that day by watching the presidential candidates tackle tough issues in the nationally televised presidential elections. The debates are vital to the voting process because of their accessibility, […]
Eastern religion allows woman to make peace wit
Page Getz is a sophomore in journalism and mass communications at Kansas State University. You can reach her by e-mail at namaste@ksu.ksu.edu. By Page Getz Growing up as the product of an atheist and a Jew, I had a lot of neighbors, friends and even teachers trying to save my soul. Unfortunately, I got the […]