
Tuesday, October 8, 1996 More students means more security Increased enrollment numbers entitle academic student employees to better job security. We wish to clarify Sept. 27 Viewpoint’s citation of increases in English class-section enrollment caps. An increase in English 80 section caps did, in fact, occur between Winter and Spring 1996; however, the long-term significance […]

Defense of marriage is not radical extremism

Gary L. Bauer is the President of the Family Research Council, a Washington, D.C.-based research and education organization. By Gary Bauer Let’s get a couple of things straight. Defending marriage is not "bigotry." And defending normalcy and tradition is not "extremist." The truly extreme invention of homosexual "marriage" has been conjured up by homosexual activists […]

Republicans attack gay rights to garner votes

Darnell Grisby and Claudia Rodriguez are acting chairs of the Gay and Lesbian Association. By Darnell Grisby and Claudia Rodriguez Once again the Republicans are using divisive tactics in their efforts to win elections. They always target the most vulnerable groups in American society in an effort to rally upright, outstanding, morally-just All-Americans against their […]

Activists should be satisfied with passive tolerance

By Tabitha Kazabrown Brown Daily Herald Tolerance can be a virtue. America would be a happier place if tolerance were practiced more often. However, a line must be drawn between a desire for tolerance and coercively using government power to enforce tolerance. As Hobbes said, freedom is found in "the silence of the laws." When […]