We’ve all been there – that moment right after a midterm when you don’t really know what to do with your life anymore because there’s no possible way you can stay in college after that embarrassment. You check the syllabus to see how much of your grade the midterm was worth and – surprise – […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Sandra Wenceslao: The UC should use sales and services revenue to increase worker wages
Seventy percent of University of California workers find it difficult to make ends meet with the wages currently given to them by the UC system, according to a new study from Occidental College. That needs to change. UC employees are persistently fighting for a pay raise. Various protests by UC employees have called to attention […]
Submission: The Bruin should avoid writing biased articles on Bruin Republicans
As UCLA students, we look to the Daily Bruin for honest news coverage. Unfortunately, it is now more evident than ever that the Daily Bruin has abandoned journalistic integrity and that the impetus is on us to provide the truth. Students have surely read about our event titled “Sabine Durden: An Illegal Immigrant Killed My […]
Guillaume Kosmala: Students should vote for propositions JJJ, HHH to end homelessness in LA
The other day I biked down to Target, hoping this time I wouldn’t see the same lady I always see laying outside. I was deeply saddened to see that for the third year running, she was still sitting at the same spot. This was a reminder that the multitude of homeless individuals I recognize because […]
Editorial: Task force report is commendable, better prepares UCLA for emergencies
UCLA was unprepared when a murder-suicide in June led people to believe there was an active shooter on campus. Instructors and students couldn’t lock doors, weren’t sure what to do and some ended up spreading false information. In response to the incident, Chancellor Gene Block formed the UCLA Campus Safety Task Force – made up […]
Submission: TGIF funds support student innovation, sustainability for UCLA
The Daily Bruin published an opinion column regarding the efforts by the USAC Facilities commission to implement an expansion of the solar-powered umbrella charging project. While we appreciate the attention given to the project and take into consideration the concerns outlined, we believe that the article exhibits a misunderstanding of not only The Green Initiative […]
Aaron Julian: City officials should use traffic violations for safety, not revenue
I went to high school in the heart of Washington, D.C. and admittedly, I jaywalked many times in one of the most secure and heavily policed cities in the world. Never once did it occur to me, however, that this behavior could end up causing me struggles financially or with law enforcement elsewhere. Los Angeles […]