Monday, October 14, 1996 ILLUSION: Backlash against aid based on prejudices, errorsBy Nancy Folbre As a talk show guest, I’m startled when my first caller describes welfare as nectar of the gods. For a moment, I think he’s referring to some kind of cheap wine. No, he means the steak and lobster that everyone knows […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Eying ‘spanky’ as he hangs low
Monday, October 14, 1996 PRIVACY: Public or private showcases of genitalia require consentMr. Happy, stubby, baldy, one-eyed willy, spanky, smiley, shorty, lefty, bishop … The list is infinite, and I can’t help but to wonder why. Why are men so preoccupied and concerned with their genitals, and why do some insist on sharing their family […]
Survival skills: A guide for getting between the sheets
Monday, October 14, 1996 DATING: A woman’s guide for what to do, where to do it, how to do it and even (gasp!) when not to do itBy Katherine Tom OK, I’ve never really been one for relationship advice. Having never managed a successfully monogamous relationship, the advice I have to offer basically boils down […]
A woman’s family chooses her destiny
Friday, October 11, 1996 GENDER: Culture dictates roles but one can mix old-time virtue with modern feminism Many things were decided for me at birth. The most influential of these was what type of woman I would be. As a Mexican woman  Mexican by birth, regardless of my U.S. citizenship  there were basically […]
Chancellor reflects on quarter-century at UCLA’s helm
Friday, October 11, 1996 PRIDE: Emergence as top research university caps 28-year tenureBy Charles Young Members of the UCLA Campus Community: Welcome back to campus after what I hope has been a happy and productive summer. For those of you who are new to our community, best wishes for a fulfilling stay at UCLA. As […]
Friday, October 11, 1996 ‘Warriors’ analogy inaccurate Let me preface this by saying I have no real axe to grind with the Greek System. In fact, I agree with the authors, Lyall and Strader, insofar as to say they were correct in their lack of any positive mention of Greek efforts, such as philanthropy. This […]
Immoral leadership core of national problems
Thursday, October 10, 1996 DRUGS: Politicians hide real issues behind screen of increasing drug use By Joseph Miranda Regarding Ms. Nelson’s Oct. 3 column, "Injecting morality into our youth.": The massive increase in drug use by American teenagers ought to be seen as a positive sign. It demonstrates that young people refuse to believe the […]