Thursday, October 17, 1996INTERVIEW: Realizing the need for a conservation ethic at the heart of issueBy Scott Lunceford Since his appointment as secretary of the Department of the Interior in 1992, Bruce Babbitt has raised plenty of hackles on both sides of the environmental fence; on one side, ranchers and industrialists accuse him of denying […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Society’s attitude moving backward
Wednesday, October 16, 1996 PROGRESS: Affirmative action’s end puts gains made in ’60s in dangerBy Victor Wolfenstein In 1969 Angela Davis was hired to teach philosophy at UCLA. She had yet to give her first fall semester lecture when an FBI undercover agent publicized her membership in the Communist Party. The Regents of the University […]
Presidential Debates
Wednesday, October 16, 1996
Affirmative action focuses on gender inequality, not race
Wednesday, October 16, 1996 ACTION: Racial justice should be at forefront of Prop. 209 debates; have these words been forgotten? I just knew this was going to be an exciting year. The first day of classes, and the legendary Jesse Jackson was speaking in Westwood Plaza. It wasn’t that I had the opportunity to see […]
Reinstate meal vouchers for students
Tuesday, October 15, 1996 COUPONS: Business Enterprises must forsake profit, give dorm residents fair coupon value Does the UCLA administration have a public relations department? If so, how does it spend its time? After all, UCLA business offices habitually seem misdirected. And with Business Enterprises’ recent discontinuation of dormitory meal coupons, the administration has further […]
Facing the drug issue
Tuesday, October 15, 1996 DRUGS: Controlled substances perilous, regardless of legalityBy Sami Kohan The recent article on legalizing drugs ("Immoral leadership core of national problems," Oct. 10) carries several distortions and omissions which need correction. Miranda suggests that we ought to legalize drugs on the grounds that Americans ought to have the right to do […]
In politics, money speaks louder than votes
Tuesday, October 15, 1996 VOTING: Unless you have bucks, your check on the ballot does not matter"If you don’t vote, you don’t have the right to complain." -Anonymous moron Contrary to current propaganda campaigns, voting is almost completely useless. If marking your ballot had significant consequences, then I would heartily endorse it. But the political […]