Promoting unity through fighting a common enemy

Monday, October 21, 1996 SOCIETY: Philanthropic advice: storm ASUCLA and demand return of the ‘Classic Joe Bruin’Hey, hey, UCLA! It is I, Viewpoint’s resident philanthropist, back again to provide useful and FREE information to you, the reader. (Philanthropy, for those of you not familiar with the sometimes-philanthropic Greek system, is defined as "active effort to […]

Forgiving when an old enemy acquires new way

Friday, October 18, 1996 HISTORY: Humbled by disability, a segregationist changes, makes amendsBy Bob Ray Sanders New York Times Several people gathered around my desk that spring afternoon in 1972 to see what was in the package. The large brown envelope, clearly marked "Governor’s Office, State of Alabama" had attracted attention even before I arrived […]


Friday, October 18, 1996Horey delivers epiphany with wit Often when I’m driving in traffic and someone cuts me off, nearly killing us both for the sole reason of getting into a parking lot to buy bagels or something, I inevitably ask myself, "What is this asshole thinking?" Please allow me to express my appreciation to […]