Thursday, October 24, 1996 Oh the injustice! To Chancellors Tien and Young, regarding your Proposition 209 announcement on 10/20/96 (Daily Bruin, 10/21/96): This week my calculus students at UCLA will take their first exam. In addition to the usual questions, I plan to ask them their ethnicity. Then, after grading the exam, if I find […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Q and A with the Daily Bruin
Thursday, October 24, 1996GOVERNOR: Prominent GOP governor discusses women’s role in politicsBy Scott Lunceford In 1993, Christine Todd Whitman became the first state candidate to defeat an incumbent governor and the first woman governor in the history of New Jersey. Her victory over James J. Fiorio provided an opportunity to make a national name for […]
Do away with affirmative action: compete on merit
Wednesday, October 23, 1996 FAIRNESS: Passage of Proposition 209 would be a step in right directionBy Adam Reed One would be sadly and grossly mistaken to believe that because of today’s interpretation of affirmative action a fair and equal society has finally been obtained. It would be wrong to do away with affirmative action because […]
Al bundy teaches family values to viewers
Wednesday, October 23, 1996 BUNDY: Married With Children provides role model citizen, father, husband for AmericansThis column is dedicated to America’s greatest unsung hero: Al Bundy. When dealing with such an intricate and complex psyche, one must not be deluded by this icon’s plethora of superficial vulgarities and outward banes, of which there are many. […]
Inequality: a sad fact of reality
Wednesday, October 23, 1996 PROP. 209: Measure seeks to annihilate long sought-after, deserved civil rights By Shannon Chambers This letter comes as a gentle chiding to your column ("Limping on the crutch of affirmative action") in the Oct. 17 edition of the Daily Bruin. I feel that you may not have been completely aware of […]
Politicians dwell in pockets of special interests
Wednesday, October 23, 1996 REFORM: Voters must put a stop to corruption with campaign reformBy Joseph Hahn The Daily Californian Courtesy of University Wire Last week, allegations of improper campaign contributions from foreign sources swirled around the Clinton campaign. Bob Dole, in a desperate last-minute attempt to find an issue that resonates with the electorate, […]
Don’t let propaganda decide for you, become an educated voter
Wednesday, October 23, 1996 USAC: Be responsible: before heading to polls inform yourself with unbiased facts of Prop. 209By Amber Henry I have had it. My last straw was the front page article "Student group unites to fight Prop. 209" on the Oct. 15 edition of the Daily Bruin. It explained the formation of the […]