When actions speak more truthfully than rhetoric

Monday, October 28, 1996 CHARACTER: Bob Dole’s ‘integrity’ falls short under scrutinyBy Carl Irving New York Times Bob Dole talks a lot about Bill Clinton’s character. He claims that you can’t trust the president, and Dole’s surrogates do worse than that. For lack of other fodder, too many reporters oblige by sucking up and spitting […]


Monday, October 28, 1996Civil disobedience out of bounds In your coverage of the protest in favor of race and gender preferences, you claimed the protesters were engaged in civil disobedience. The disobedience I agree with; however, the protesters were far from civil. These protesters shouted boos at students who were on their way to class […]

Ignorance threatens diversity, free thinking

Friday, October 25, 1996 EDUCATION: Affirmative action educates, does not promote separatismBy Amika Maran As I look across Westwood Plaza I’m swept up in emotion. Being of mixed background, I’ve always had trouble with affirmative action. Is it possible to have affirmative action and not have reverse racism (as was intended)? Barring this, do we […]


Friday, October 25, 1996Protest: poor way to educate others I hold no opinion concerning Proposition 209, but the behavior I saw on Wednesday, Oct. 23 makes me sick. Proposition 209 is a controversial measure. Such legislation deserves time for debate and discussions before the people vote. I can accept demonstrations. On the other hand, civil […]