Proposition will protect patients, save money

Friday, November 1, 1996 216 ­ YES: Insurance company ‘gag rules,’ bonuses will be illegalBy Ralph Nader, Kit Costello and Harvey Rosenfield Are you in an HMO or a "managed care" health plan? If so, you should pay careful attention to Proposition 216. Backed by California’s nurses and consumers, the Patient Protection Act would protect […]


Wednesday, October 30, 1996 Green mistakenly sees thin as bad In Monday’s Viewpoint, Leah Green argues that we all need to "remember that people come in all shapes and sizes" ­ a noble goal. I wonder, however, if she remembered that as she was writing. As a very thin woman, I resent being labeled as […]

Rewriting American society: Jake’s State of the Union

Tuesday, October 29, 1996 CRITIQUE: Progressing from the examination of America’s ills to suggestions of positive change"Who’s the real patriot / the Archie Bunker slobs waving flags? / Or the people with the guts to work/ for some real change?" ­ Dead Kennedys, Stars and Stripes of Corruption If any of you have been keeping […]