Friday, November 8, 1996 SPIRIT: ‘Bear’ recalls Cal mascot; petition to change name signed by many prominent alumniBy Beverly B. Shaffer Especially in light of our Bruin football team victory over the Cal Bears during their trip to Berkeley two weeks ago, I was intrigued by Robin Aguilar’s column in Tuesday’s Daily Bruin that proposed […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Standing up to the political, cultural status q
Friday, November 8, 1996 UNITY: Latinos need to recognize alternative student groups, put aside differences to come together It is easy to lump everyone with a Spanish surname into one category, but to do this is to overlook many differences such as race, nationality, generation and culture. To make this easier, let’s examine a few […]
Friday, November 8, 1996 Strike would only harm undergrads It saddened me greatly to read that some of my fellow graduate students are threatening to strike. Although these students may have a legitimate grievance in that the administration is refusing to abide by a court decision granting the right to collective bargaining, a strike is […]
Adding to the special interest medley
Thursday, November 7, 1996 POLITICS: A survey of the lesser-known groups on campus "It’s such a fine line between stupid and clever." Â David St. Hubbins, Spinal Tap Ah, yes indeed it is. And anyone who has ever read one of my columns knows that I do my best to constantly tread that line. (I […]
Thursday, November 7, 1996 Do homework for endorsements As you publish ballot endorsements, one would suspect you to have done your homework and to provide factual documentation supporting said endorsements. I am specifically citing your endorsement for District Attorney, unsure why you would support a candidate like Lynch over Garcetti, who, despite bad press from […]
Law takes side of graduate employees
Thursday, November 7, 1996 SAGE: Judge’s support secured; union ready to strike if rights deniedBy the SAGE Executive Board In a decision issued Sept. 13, a judge has affirmed what the Student Association of Graduate Employees (SAGE/UAW) has been saying all along: Teaching assistants (TAs), readers and tutors are entitled to collective-bargaining rights under the […]
Student leaders should avoid political thicket
Thursday, November 7, 1996 USAC: Undergraduate council’s spending should reflect views of those paying mandatory feesBy Michael Bourdaa I would like to address the Nov. 5 viewpoint by Telle Tse, Michael McDavit and Janice McDavit. As for the portions that dealt entirely with President Clinton, it is by now a moot issue. However, our "esteemed […]