Prop. A provides parks with essential funds

Friday, November 15, 1996 PROP A: Daily Bruin’s editorial of Safe Parks Act misses the markBy Greg Townsend and Reva Concoff We are writing to complain about your irresponsible editorial against L. A. County Proposition A, which you printed the day before the election. Despite your nonsensical, superficial and flawed analysis, Prop. A ­ the […]

Election tactics lose sight of First Amendment

Thursday, November 14, 1996 SPEECH: Many diversity advocates fail to show tolerance to opponents During the weeks preceding the Nov. 5 election, students sidestepped mock grave sites, chalk body outlines and drawings of Proposition 209 supporters dressed as Ku Klux Klan members. Unfortunately, these were not Halloween decorations. This was the Undergraduate Students Association Council […]

Fully Alert

Thursday, November 14, 1996 PRIORITIES: UCLA must make crime prevention measures a top priorityBy Michelle N. Mimlitsch The recent "Safety Alert" distributed by the UCPD in response to a reported rape in Parking Lot 3 raises serious issues about campus security that cannot be addressed simply by following the security measures suggested at the conclusion […]


Thursday, November 14, 1996 The fallout of Prop. 209 In one fell swoop as thoughtless as it is demagogic, the ?people? of California have voted to replace the collaborative, compassionate ideal of the ?social contract? with the cynical lawlessness of the corporate warfare state, the prison and ?the hood.? Proposition 209 reintroduces into this once […]