Respect picket line, uphold right to quality ed

Monday, November 18, 1996 STRIKE: Attending classes does not show lack of solidarity with SAGEBy Kalpen Modi It’s about time that the students of the University of California took a stand against the passive administration that "serves" us. As undergraduates, we are taught mostly by graduate students. Academic student employees are responsible for grading, lessons, […]

Actions, not accusations, needed for Chicano un

Monday, November 18, 1996 GUZMAN: Bitter words of columnist marginalize true activists’ dedicationBy Margarita Gonzalez The following counterpoint is submitted by Margarita Gonzalez, Chairperson of MEChA de UCLA on behalf of Movimiento Estudiantil Chacana y Chicano de Aztlan. In MEChA’s 27-year existence on high school and college campuses throughout Aztlan, our organization has never made […]


Monday, November 18, 1996 Guzman correct in observations I am writing in response to Mimi Guzman’s article "Standing up to the political, cultural status quo." Finally, somebody from the Chicano (Mexican-American, Latino, whatever the hell you want to call us, we’re still human beings) community has voiced the opinion that most of us Chicano UCLA […]

UC’s empty promise: continued diversity

Monday, November 18, 1996 REGENTS: Eagerness to implement 209 endangers academic future of underrepresented studentsDo not accept the UC Regents’ doublespeak they they can maintain diversity here at UCLA after they delete their affirmative action policies. Despite their mollifying remarks (most likely fabricated by public-relations consultants and spin doctors) the regents are going to homogenize […]