Wednesday, November 20, 1996 CANCER: Attitudes of friends and family toward patients can make the difference in recoveryBy Jeanette Lomboy Josh White’s account on cancer ("Faith, love provide strength in time of crisis," Nov. 13) struck an all-too-knowing chord. Almost four months ago to this day, my boyfriend Geoff who was just one weekend short […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Addwater & Stir
Wednesday, November 20, 1996
Still doing time after all these years
Wednesday, November 20, 1996 INSTITUTIONS: African Americans trapped in system of social inequality First Prop. 187 and now Prop. 209, what’s next?," is a commonly asked question among liberals and progressives these days. The passage of Prop. 209 almost brought me to tears. It seemed as the world I knew was coming to an end. […]
Saying Œno thanks¹ to a second helping of holiday nostalgia
Tuesday, November 19, 1996 THANKSGIVING: Maturity makes prospect of annual dinner less palatable despite fond memories Thanksgiving is an amazing holiday where families and friends get together to have a wonderful meal and give thanks for the blessings in their lives. I know you first and second years are itchin’ to jump on a plane […]
Looking for empathy in all the wrong places
Tuesday, November 19, 1996 HARRASSMENT: Depths of trauma too much for cold, bureaucratic copsBy Silvia Morelos I guess you can never really be safe anywhere, can you? This is a thought that I’ve tried all of my life to absolutely not succumb to, although it’s becoming much more of a reality for me now. I […]
Media brand Afghan rebels as fanatical despots
Tuesday, November 19, 1996 TALIBAN: West ignores fighters’ role in bringing peace to war-torn nationBy Manija Said Recent media coverage has portrayed the Afghan Taliban as draconian savages. Considering the events that have taken place in Afghanistan over the years, it becomes evident that the most savage acts have been committed by the forces against […]
Pamphlet fails to realize flip side of gripes
Monday, November 18, 1996 SAGE: Carefully review strikers’ position before joining the walk-outBy William Lay I received a pamphlet in my mailbox today from the Student Association of Graduate Employees (SAGE/UAW) regarding the upcoming strike. I am not a member of SAGE, nor do I intend to observe the strike next week. I did, however, […]