Monday, November 25, 1996 POLITICS: Public must work collectively to make list of changes come trueOK kids, Christmas time is coming up and you know what that means: getting drunk and telling your family what you really think about them. Just kidding (you see, I could have been a humor columnist if I wanted to). […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Education not represented in equations
Monday, November 25, 1996 RANKINGS: Prospective students should rely on more than what goes into commercial evaluationsMark Twain said there are three kinds of lies: "lies, damn lies, and statistics." Twain’s quip underscores the problem with U.S. News and World Report’s annual ranking of American colleges. This is not to say the magazine knowingly prints […]
Low-wage workers misrepresented
Friday, November 22, 1996 WELFARE: Economic reality is source of social problems, not aid systemBy Nari Rhee Regarding Brian Choate’s Viewpoint piece advocating welfare cuts, "Handouts don’t reflect America’s values" ( Nov. 11): Both his line of argument and his fast and loose representation of his subjects are extremely objectionable, arrogant and misinformed. Choate argues […]
Few wedding bells for students in the ¹90s
Friday, November 22, 1996 DATING: Lack of eligible young bachelors, ethnic preferences stand in way When I first applied for and was selected as a Viewpoint columnist, I wanted to focus on Latino/a dating on campus and on all the issues which complicate it. I intended to be a "light" and "special interest" writer more […]
National pride no longer a tool of war propagan
Friday, November 22, 1996 PATRIOTISM: Being proud of flag has little to do with dehumanizing enemiesBy Adam K. Ake While there are some insightful comments in Paul Biery’s Nov. 15 column ("Dehumanizing the enemy necessary for war"), I think that his basic premise, that patriotism somehow causes blind allegiance and vilification, is overwhelmingly faulty. While […]
Help ASUCLA with Bruin identity crisis
Thursday, November 21, 1996 BRUINWEAR: Controversy over UCLA mascot paraphernalia sparks many suggestionsHEY BRUINS! To help ASUCLA answer the question: Should "Bearwear" be renamed "Bruinwear," "BruinGear," "BruinCentral" (or anything "Bruin")? as suggested by several recent letter writers to the Daily Bruin (and supported by hundreds of petition signers, including Charles O’Bannon, Jonathan Ogden, Marques Johnson […]
Addwater and Stir cartoon
Thursday, November 21, 1996