Wednesday, November 27, 1996
Category Archives: Opinion
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Tuesday, November 26, 1996
Political rights with a touch of common sense
Tuesday, November 26, 1996 OBJECTIVITY: Ban on assault weapons, partial birth abortions not an attack on citizens’ rightsBy Michael Schneider Last year, I had both the good fortune and the misfortune of living with a female. It was good because I learned more and more every day about how the female mind operates. It was […]
Social groups reflect narrow-minded people
Tuesday, November 26, 1996 LOYALTY: Using labels to describe a person misses the underlying individual "I’ve got a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it." Â Groucho Marx Well kiddos, today’s subject is about group membership and labels. Personally, I think we should attempt to rise above such […]
Propostions equal less chance of education for minorities
Tuesday, November 26, 1996 DISCRIMINATION: Lack of opportunities keeps inner-city dwellers in povertyBy Keisha Xicotencatl I am writing in response to J.Jioni Palmer’s article that appeared on the Nov. 20, 1996 issue. I am extremely proud that he took the time to write about the ramifications that Propositions 184, 187 and 209 have had or […]
Education not represented in equations
Monday, November 25, 1996 RANKINGS: Prospective students should rely on more than what goes into commercial evaluationsMark Twain said there are three kinds of lies: "lies, damn lies, and statistics." Twain’s quip underscores the problem with U.S. News and World Report’s annual ranking of American colleges. This is not to say the magazine knowingly prints […]
Federal regulators shield Congress against inspections
Monday, November 25, 1996 FAIRNESS: Occupational Safety and Heath Act applies to only ‘normal’ businesses, not CongressBy Dr. Richard L. Lesher Two years ago, Labor Secretary Robert Reich personally appeared at a Dayton Tire Company plant in Oklahoma to announce a proposed $7.5 million penalty against the company for alleged violations of the Occupational Safety […]