Aaron Julian: In order to save itself, the GOP must abandon Reaganism

The GOP is currently in a tailspin, caught between the forces of the radical right, the more moderate establishment and the rapidly changing demographics of the United States. The “alt-right” has taken the party by storm and ushered in its protest candidate, Donald Trump, to the nomination. The rest of the GOP is currently searching for […]

Submission: The diversity of UCLA’s Greek life community should not be ignored

There are problems within Greek letter organizations, and as a chapter president for one of those organizations, I do not deny this. Incidents that have occurred at UCLA as well as all over the nation indicate the Greek community must accept that changes must be made. To help our Greek community address these issues, we […]

Submission: Discussion of sexual assault needs to become personal to make a difference

A fraternity brother here at UCLA raped me over the summer. Sadly, I am just one of many women this has happened to. But nobody seems to care. And I know why. We’re desensitized. It’s impersonal. We’re required to go to these meetings once a year where they throw numbers at you like “1 in […]

Abhishek Shetty: Poor infrastructure will send new bike share program downhill

Cyclists are one of those rarities on the UCLA campus, like a celebrity sighting. And even if you were to force a fleet of bikes on the student body, this is unlikely to change. Last week, UCLA announced that it would implement a bike sharing program by spring 2017, and that it has already ordered […]

Submission: UCLA administration should release statement on recent campus death

If you are reading this, you have probably heard news of the death that recently occurred on campus. However, what you haven’t heard is a proper statement from UCLA administration addressing this tragedy. I have been impatiently awaiting this statement, and last Wednesday I decided to take action and contact the university police. They relayed […]

Editorial: UCOP should reform ballot guidelines for bundled referenda

Fee referenda have become a recurring aspect of our undergraduate student government elections, with Undergraduate Students Association Council offices and student organizations looking to raise student fees to fund a variety of programs. Most recently, our last USAC election featured four fee referenda, all of which passed. While fee referenda can fund necessary student programs, […]

Submission: UCLA Recreation must be transparent with its policymaking

The decision by UCLA Recreation to reduce the number of lunch-time swim hours at the North Pool marked an unexpected end to an 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekday schedule that had been in effect for nearly 20 years, and triggered an immediate backlash among the many regular users of this pool. We challenged the […]