Portrait of a House-Spouse: new tips for a new millennium

Thursday, January 9, 1997 FRANCHISE: Updating Martha Stewart’s ideas to fit the 21st century Ann Mah You know her from her glossy cookbooks, morning appearances on the Today show, and healthy household tips. She has redefined American living. She raises her own turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner and sells her own paint line at Home Depot. […]

It’s about taking a stand and sticking with it

Thursday, January 9, 1997 MISSION: John Du addresses how USAC works for the studentsBy John Du Unfortunately, not too many of our politicians understand what it means to stand for something. More often than not, we find that politicians promise one thing during elections only to renege on them during their term. Remember George Bush’s […]


Wednesday, January 8, 1997Give the UCLA band a break In response to Kathryn Manlove’s Jan. 7 article regarding the UCLA marching band, I would like to clarify a few issues. I was a member of the band for the past five years, and there was never any sexism regarding the support of the women’s basketball […]

Nixon’s egregious conduct far worse than today’s ‘scandals’

Wednesday, January 8, 1997 POLITICS: Clinton’s and Gingrich’s actions are mere ‘playground stuff’By Marianne Means Hearst Newspapers Only by remembering history can we avoid repeating it, and so it is a good thing that Richard Nixon, the modern yardstick by which the behavior of all other politicians is measured, is forever with us. To judge […]

Ban unsightly plaid despite First Amendment

Tuesday, January 7, 1997 FASHION: As it protects individual rights, the First gives color to the trivialBy Rich Birecki Although I personally have never heard anybody state this, it seems to me that there is an undercurrent of thought, particularly throughout the female community, that males don’t really care about anything other than having sex. […]