Friday, January 10, 1997 STANDARDS: Machistas and Machos are put to the test; find out which one you should be I must preface this by saying that I love men  men in the definition that I will describe. Every culture has set expectations of the genders. In today’s ever-changing world, women’s increased independence and […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Standard English essential for conversational c
Friday, January 10, 1997 LANGUAGES: Communication with diverse tongues may result in exclusionBy Scott Sahlman In John Lemke’s article, "Limiting word choice stifles evolution of language," he claims that having a standardized English language, aside from being illogical and inane, is elitist and propagates racism and intolerance. While one could certainly make valid arguments to […]
Winter of discontent awaits those trying to tea
Friday, January 10, 1997 EDUCATION: Fickle youth cannot be force-fed works of The BardBy Elizabeth Schuett Cox News Service GIBSONBURG, Ohio — "Shakespeare? Oh, yeah. He’s the funny-looking dude who wrote a bunch of weird stories in a foreign language." So says one of my more voluble freshmen, whose ignorance of a topic (any topic) […]
Friday, January 10, 1997 Women’s sports boring This is in response to Kathryn Manlove’s letter about women’s basketball on Jan. 7. She inaccurately identified the reason fans walked out before the women’s basketball game after the men played Kansas. It certainly was NOT because of sexism. This is the typical victim mentality. I, as a […]
Corruption tarnishes student government
Thursday, January 9, 1997 LEADERSHIP: USAC’s good side clouded by misuse of mandatory feeBy Ben Hofilena It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that there’s something terribly corrupt about our current student government. It baffles me that a council of 13 students can overturn a unanimous decision by the judicial board  the only […]
USAC decision, while it seems unfair, is best for students
Thursday, January 9, 1997 POLITICS: Choice preserves integrity of student governmentBy Telly Tse It is easy to criticize USAC, especially when many feel that it has tremendously wronged students by overturning a decision made by another branch of student government. Hearing the words "overturning," "abuse of power" and similar negative phrases makes it easy for […]
Incident of homophobia inspires a few words on human decency
Thursday, January 9, 1997 CONDUCT: In public, free speech is the right to talk, not the right to offendBy Marlon Morales When your words and actions in a public place become blatantly mean spirited and even hateful, your constitutional freedom of speech ends. A higher law immediately supercedes to protect the dignity of all humans. […]