Monday, January 13, 1997 OFFENSE: A free thinker unable to speak freely is nothing but a sycophantBy Jeff Lazarus The right to talk is the right to offend. Marion Morales’ article "Incident of homophobia inspires …" (Jan. 9) begins with two of the most dangerous statements yet conceived in the English language. The first, in […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Coming out against Bruin Walk ranters
Monday, January 13, 1997 CHALLENGE: Passive passersby constitute source of frustration for targets of homophobic slogansBy Matt Pearson As you were passing along Bruin Walk on Thursday, I’m sure many of you noticed the man in the sweater who was standing on one of the low walls across from Kerckhoff shouting so-called "Christian" slogans and […]
Dirty dishes apartment life revealed
Monday, January 13, 1997 STUDENT LIFE: Mold-covered kitchens, hairy showers are the price for off-campus living Aaah, it’s good to be back. Once again the Daily Bruin gods have allowed me the opportunity to thrill and amaze you. To all of my loyal fans out there, I’d like to extend a hearty "Thanks for reading, […]
USAC’s use of authority questionable
Monday, January 13, 1997 GOVERNMENT: Oversight diminishes in a one-party student government, may lead to abuse of powerStudents should not be lulled into the false belief that all is well in student government at UCLA. The apparently open-shut nature of the recent battle between the Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) and the Judicial Board (J-board) […]
M. hoops too proud given their shoddy performance
Monday, January 13, 1997 BASKETBALL: Attitudes of players holding the team back, not Lavin’s abilitiesBy Robert Vasquez What a mockery UCLA basketball has become! It’s a disgrace, a poor representative of the school and an embarrassment. Can we really blame Steve Lavin for the pathetic quality of playing time our UCLA basketball team has shown? […]
Hateful speech preferable to hate-filled actions
Monday, January 13, 1997 DIALOGUE: Policies that discriminate, not free speech, threaten libertiesBy Philip Hoskins While certainly empathetic to the pain, humiliation and anger that was a result of the boorish behavior described in "Incident of homophobia …" on Jan.9, Marlon Morales is wrong on one point  one’s right to free speech does not […]
Feminism sparked by 1967 dorm guide
Friday, January 10, 1997 By Stephanie Salter San Francisco Examiner As the years accumulate, I sometimes forget why I turned out the way I did. I mean, for instance, why I became a Democrat instead of a Republican or why I moved to California or never got married or prefer scotch to bourbon. But I […]