Homophobic, racist speech not protected by Constitution

Thursday, January 16, 1997 ETHICS: The law, human nature not acceptable excusesBy Marlon Morales At some level, I expected the responses my article received. Both of the responses to the article on my encounter with that young man who was taunting gays were unfortunately misguided. The dramatic outcry in defense of the rights granted in […]

A king among men

Wednesday, January 15, 1997EQUALITY: Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for racial justiceThe keynote address for the March on Washington, delivered before the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our […]

Syliva Morelos

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 FEAR: Highly emotional anger can blindly drive people into joining political, social movements "Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth." -Pema Chodron 1997. Hmm. Time for new things. New experiences. New changes. Time to wake up, period. Do you ever really "see," or listen, or read between-the-lines? […]

Separation of sexes not a solution to military’s problems

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 EQUALITY: Men, women should be able to work together without conflictBy Garrick Ruiz On Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1997 columnist Jennifer Nelson wrote about how separating the sexes in the military would allow both sexes to "realize their full potential." Thinking like this really scares me. Don’t get me wrong, I really […]


Tuesday, January 14, 1997Wastes of money If you pass by Sunset Village, take a look at the fresh, beautiful and expensive patch of grass from the main entrance of Courtside to Sunset Commons, where Sunset residents frequently dine. You must find it fast, because it will be trampled away even faster. Never fear if you […]