Friday, January 24, 1997 WESTWOOD: Village businesses unable to keep up with ASUCLA’s advertising access, influenceBy Gary Avrech I wish to respond to the Jan. 17 article by Rachel Munoz, "Merchants decry competition from ASUCLA." Ms. Munoz misquoted me and misconstrued the purpose of the petition from Westwood Village business owners and managers. To set […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Gaining knowledge and power to make your own choices
Thursday, January 23, 1997 IDEOLOGY: The home and family provide a key role in influencing future opinions, decisions in life Ann Mah Escaping the Orange Curtain: One woman’s true story of overcoming the odds. I did not walk uphill both ways through the snow to kindergarten. I always owned shoes. I never ate ketchup sandwiches. […]
Ghost of Westwood past must be raised
Thursday, January 23, 1997 VILLAGE: High prices, lack of interesting places deter student patronageBy Dorn Yoder Waste my money in Westwood? I have to respond to the article about the Westwood merchants who have petitioned the university to more or less close down the student union store. Let’s see  what is there to do […]
Faith can move you through life experiences
Thursday, January 23, 1997 RELIGION: Strong belief in God can exist without church, group affiliationBy Kim L. Rodgers I concur with many of Chieh Chieng’s statements ("Questioning Religious Devotion, Jan. 16) and would like to bring up a viewpoint of faith that is separate from religion. It is a faith in God that doesn’t require […]
Vietnamese Student Union supports USAC’s purpose
Thursday, January 23, 1997 MISSION: Organizations should be role models, encourage activismBy Dan Su The following editorial is a unanimous opinion of the Executive Board of the UCLA Vietnamese Student Union, the representative organization of the UCLA Vietnamese community. During this past summer, the UCLA Vietnamese Student Union was officially sponsored by the Undergraduate Students […]
Westwood: Cool college town it is not
Thursday, January 23, 1997 VILLAGE: High prices, lack of interesting places deter student patronageBy Dorn Yoder Waste my money in Westwood? I have to respond to the article about the Westwood merchants who have petitioned the university to more or less close down the student union store. Let’s see  what is there to do […]
Voters – that’s us – must put government under spotlight
Wednesday, January 22, 1997 USAC: Handling of spending controversy raises eyebrows Fundamental to any democracy is the ability of the electorate to hold public officials accountable for the actions they take while in office. Without this basic assurance, the democratic process is meaningless. Ironically, instead of championing the system of checks and balances that would […]