Tuesday, January 28, 1997 HEALTH: Potential exists in facing illness without numbing effects of Prozac "The sky isn’t always blue, the sun doesn’t always shine, it’s alright to fall apart, sometimes." -some singer The topic of this column is one of a very sensitive nature, one difficult to talk about. It’s about depression. Although depression […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Bruin fans deserve local sports coverage
Monday, January 27, 1997 SPORTS: Century Cable’s decision not to carry Fox Sports West 2 could affect spirit, merchandisingHere in Los Angeles, big business has had a way of wresting sports teams from the hands of their loyal and enthusiastic fans. Recent years have seen the second largest city in the United States stripped of […]
Time for student officials to take out the trash
Monday, January 27, 1997 GOVERNMENT: Misguided understanding of conflict of interest detracts from real issuesBy Max Espinoza What does true leadership mean? Does it mean giving lip service to student issues and progressive ideals and then doing nothing about them? Does it mean backing down on fundamental beliefs when the political climate sways to the […]
What they don¹t say about UCLA at orientation
Monday, January 27, 1997 GUIDE: Campus Survival for Dummies gives you secrets to getting around in college life I first began my college career here at UCLA in the fall of 1994. Back when I was young, naive and oh-so innocent. Since that time I’ve learned a few things about UCLA that have allowed me […]
Misconceptions about Christianity come from failure to live out faith
Monday, January 27, 1997 RELIGION: Reverence of the Lord not compatible with self-centered philosophyBy Michael Tseng Over the years I’ve read various articles written by people either trying to discredit or defend the Christian faith. On Jan. 16, another one of these articles appeared; it was titled "Questioning Religious Devotion." Chieh Chieng, who wrote the […]
Local merchant sets facts straight
Friday, January 24, 1997 WESTWOOD: Village businesses unable to keep up with ASUCLA’s advertising access, influenceBy Gary Avrech I wish to respond to the Jan. 17 article by Rachel Munoz, "Merchants decry competition from ASUCLA." Ms. Munoz misquoted me and misconstrued the purpose of the petition from Westwood Village business owners and managers. To set […]
Of ‘biggies’, bug bites and last-brownie sacrifice
Friday, January 24, 1997 UNICAMP: Joys of working with children, nature’s beauty elicit ode to official university charity I just found out today that it was UniCamp week. My editors will probably be pissed off about the late topic change, but I’m sorry to say that I don’t care. The Daily Bruin used to run […]