Thursday, January 30, 1997 CHOICES: Living life as a dreamer diverts one away from intended goalsShakespeare referred to the unknown as the undiscovered country. It also made for a catchy Star Trek movie title. As not all students have left their destinies to the mercy of the Fates, some have taken the initiative and carefully […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Bring your thoughts to USAC
Thursday, January 30, 1997 INVITATION: Government offers opportunity to ask questions, voice opinionsBy Glenn Inanaga These days it seems like the number of articles flooding the Daily Bruin’s Viewpoint section about student government has suddenly increased to the point of daily reading. Not only are they increasing, but they tend to be mostly negative, and […]
Wednesday, January 29, 1997
Finding gay gene won¹t lead to holocaust of hom
Wednesday, January 29, 1997 ABORTION: Idea that most women would abort gay fetuses not only untrue, but ludicrousBy Ray Lopez I have to respond to Tom Sena’s hysterical cry of the extinction of gays and lesbians ("’Gay gene’ forces review of right to choose," Jan. 14). This guy is so far over the edge, all […]
Providing for the nation¹s welfare not easy
Wednesday, January 29, 1997 ASSISTANCE: Welfare programs pervade society, but some left in the coldWe the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, … promote the general welfare … Â Preamble to the U.S. Constitution(1789) I will come out and admit it, and you should too. I am dependent […]
Judicial Board needs objectivity
Tuesday, January 28, 1997 OFFICE: Job not just in executing policies, but deciding their fairnessBy Kendra Fox-Davis "If we don’t forgive others, we eat ourselves away with resentment, and seek revenge against those we consider to have acted badly towards us. Hence we have the conflicts that span the generations … It is right that […]
Tuesday, January 28, 1997Yeah club sports! Kudos to the Daily Bruin for finally including a well-written article on the UCLA rugby team ("Rugby ready to make a comeback to glory days," Jan. 17). The article, written by Rocky Salmon, was a major improvement over The Bruin’s historically lackadaisical and sparse coverage of club sports. While […]