Loving my religion

Tuesday, February 11, 1997 FAITH: Relate to God on your own terms, not by standard conceptions.Silvia Morelos What is God? Hmm. As a wanna-be, non-practicing Catholic (by ascribed fortune), most of my life I had trouble trying to figure out God and trying to oblige by the dictates and rules that he laid out for […]

AAP hiring policy based on competence, not politics

Tuesday, February 11, 1997 TUTORING: Program misrepresented as discriminatoryBy C. Adolfo Bermeo Hannah Miller’s article on Jan. 23, 1997 is replete with unfounded allegations, omissions of relevant information, contradictions and gross misrepresentations of the reality of AAP, AAP hiring, and the work of hundreds of dedicated AAP student and full-time staff members. Nonetheless, in the […]

Discussion an effective tool in race relations

Monday, February 10, 1997 DIALOGUE: Expression of views will not completely alleviate tension in America, but it is a start in building mutual respectBy Andy Zelleke and Phil Wang Many commentators concerned about the direction of American race relations, including former Sen. Bill Bradley and authors like Newsweek magazine’s Ellis Cose, have called for a […]


Monday, February 10, 1997 Race shouldn’t decide identity I would like to say a few words in response to J. Jioni Palmer’s Feb. 5 column, "Don’t neglect the power of your voice." Jioni, I am glad that you are active in politics and that you are expressing yourself. We need voices like yours on campus […]