2016 Election: No on Proposition 60

Although the goal of preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases is noble, Proposition 60 fails in doing so altogether. The proposition would require California’s pornographic film industry to mandate condom use in filming. In addition to condom use, the proposition would also require adult film producers to cover the costs of sexually transmitted infection […]

2016 Election: No on Proposition 61

While Californians should fight for lower drug prices, Proposition 61 is not the right approach. Proposition 61 aims to lower drug prices for Californians by requiring the state government pay the same prices the United States Department of Veterans Affairs pays for prescription drugs. However, it will inadvertently end up hurting Californians in the long […]

2016 Election: Yes on Proposition 62

No justice system is bulletproof, and this nation’s is no exception, especially when it comes to the death penalty. In fact, a 2014 study found that about one in 25 people on death row are innocent. Coupled with the millions in taxpayer money Californians pay yearly to continue operating this flawed system, the Daily Bruin […]

2016 Election: Yes on Proposition 63

Gun violence is a given in the U.S. Even our own campus caught a glimpse of it last June. But Proposition 63 could help fight gun violence by introducing reasonable gun regulations to make California safer and strengthening existing measures to keep guns out of dangerous hands. Proposition 63 extends the ban on large-capacity magazines […]

2016 Election: Yes on Proposition 64

Countless Americans have languished in the criminal justice system over marijuana possession. The result: overcrowded prisons with nonviolent offenders and a thriving illegal marijuana market that extends beyond the United States borders and into marginalized communities. But Californians finally have a chance to change this status quo. The board endorses Proposition 64, which would make […]

2016 Election: No on Proposition 66

Proposition 66 would limit the appeals process for prisoners on death row to five years, and even though advocates argue the measure would reduce the cost of death penalty cases, the current time frame is necessary to prevent unjust executions. Since 1973, 156 inmates facing the death penalty have been exonerated of their charges. More […]

2016 Election: No on Proposition 65, Yes on Proposition 67

Don’t let these two plastic bag propositions confuse you – even though that’s exactly what they were created to do. Let’s keep it simple: If you want to help the environment with a logical plastic-bag ban, vote “No” on Proposition 65 and “Yes” on Proposition 67. The plastic-bag industry – primarily funded by four large, […]