Thursday, February 27, 1997 EDUCATION: Electronics do not hold substitute for parent, teacher concernBy Elizabeth Schuett New York Times Mr. President, you’re wrong. The Internet is not a panacea to the ills of education, nor can it ever be. Electronics, no matter how "interactive," cannot take the place of a parent or teacher who listens […]
Category Archives: Opinion
A dose of reality on Western culture
Wednesday, 2/26/97 A dose of reality on Western culture Arguments of deconstructionists fueled by white middle class’s guilt and need to be in intellectual vogue; curriculum needs to address humanity in general, not agendas of ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations By John Foxworthy have six problems with Vy Nguyen’s article (Feb. 21) on deconstructing the male […]
Christianity adapting to society, culture
Wednesday, 2/26/97 Christianity adapting to society, culture Injunctions against homosexuality as obsolete as those promoting racism and sexism as time changes interpretation of Bible By Jeff Lee Bravo to Silvia Morelos for her reflections on religious revisionism in "Loving My Religion" (Feb. 11)! I admire her candor on a subject which to many Christians smacks […]
Hip-hop culture drowning in sea of business, elitism
Wednesday, 2/26/97 Hip-hop culture drowning in sea of business, elitism Protest culture of Old School lost in tangled web of corporate industry Imagine a world with no windows, no telecommunications, substandard housing, little or no education and no economic opportunities. The rest of society has long since left you behind, growing and expanding at a […]
Blame, money should not be focus of past wrongs
Tuesday, February 25, 1997 REPARATIONS: Education is needed to prevent history from repeatingBy Tae Roh While I was reading Mr. Palmer’s column, I realized that I was suddenly transported back to my AP U.S. History class back in high school. I started recalling Mr. Buttler, a guest lecturer, before our infamous AP test. Mr. Buttler, […]
Campbell Hall not seat of ‘evil empire’
Tuesday, February 25, 1997 DEDICATION: AAP provides students with many valuable toolsBy Juhan Song My letter is in response to James Liu’s "Problem with hiring standards tip of iceberg." First of all, let me state that the following criticism will be explicit for the simple reason that Liu’s comments were hysterical, untrue and offensive. His […]
Tuesday, February 25, 1997Clinton shouldn’t have intervened President Clinton’s intervention in the American Airlines dispute is to be deplored as it is clearly to the advantage of management and not the pilots. Where is federal intervention to prevent huge increases in CEO payments? Where is the intervention to stop wage cuts and job losses? The […]